Once researched, you will be able to enter the 'Heap Formation'. This would probably be a good opportunity to teach it to your Trimps. "The air may be filled with pollution, but your Trimps seem to be getting smarter and a battle technique from what could only be a past life has crept into your memory. This Universe has grown unstable, the planet has broken. "The ground instantly cracks and large plumes of green gas escape from the planet's core to the atmosphere. It doesn't seem to reflect any light at all, just pure darkness." "There is something strange about this map. Probably best to bring this back to the lab for some research." You pick it up and feel adrenaline surge through your body. "You look down and see a green gem that seems to stare back. Seriously, guys, come look at this crazy egg!" "You found a book detailing the intricacies of solo exploration!" "You found your first map! Travel to your map chamber to check it out." "You found a book discussing tactics for better blocking!" "You found a book about proper physical training!" With some research you should be able to teach the Trimps to mine!" "You found an ancient book titled Bloodlust.
Trimps game open in two browsers how to#
"You found plans for a shield! It even tells you how to upgrade it, if you have enough wood. The following syntax of the column Cell: X-Y means that the unlock can appear anywhere between cell X and cell Y, including these cells.
Trimps game open in two browsers plus#
Still, those two void maps plus the zone 59 improbability more than doubled my helium.Here's a list of all the unlocks obtainable in the World map, that don't repeat (one-time unlocks). The limiting factor was attack – it took me ages to beat them because each enemy took about 50 attacks to destroy. In the late 50s, block is far higher than health, so Resilience is simply not needed. > While you probably have more experience with Trimps early game than me as you started over, you omitted a lot of important factors in order to try to prove your point. > Balance is a challenge that goes to z40, so I imagine you should do it if your optimal is z40, at which point your max zone reached is probably still not past z50. It’s not like you can just reach z59 for the first time and immediately jump into farming void maps, they have 800% effective difficulty after all. To be able to even finish a void map at z59, you will have to have broken the planet a few times already to level up resilience. > I don’t see how farming void maps at z59 helps you at all. > New players have it so easy these days… spoiled by choice in ways on how to get a truckload of helium and get past the early game quicker. There should also be a maximum zone that you get double helium from – otherwise players would just do Balance all the time and not Electricty etc. So if you can keep going until 59 with Balance, you gain double helium up to 59 as well. I suggest that the repeatable challenges give you double helium until you abandon them, but none if you abandon before zone 40/80/125/145/165. So I end up resetting with 4-5k helium, far dwarfing the little that I would get from Balance. But the broken planet features (0.1x breed speed and block pierce) don’t occur. Why is this significant? If you are on zone 59 and complete a Void map, you gain the helium from the end of zone 59, which gets the 5x bonus. But by then, I can continue that run all the way past 37 and 50, going to 59. I then do that, given that it earns me a perk rather than some helium (which will be insignificant later on). The reason is simple: by the time I complete Scientist I (a far more useful challenge in my opinion), I then unlock Meditation. I am now right at the end of zone 59, and I have not completed Balance ONCE. Some time ago, I got bored and did a hard-reset to re-experience early game. With the addition of Void Maps, I feel that Balance is now useless.